physical therapy information

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Chiropractors, is the benefit of complete training, are authorized in our country to make a medical diagnosis. The consultation begins with an anamnesis which gives an overview of the pain, the environment and the general state of health of the patient. The examinations and treatments are essentially manual. They can be supplemented by the use of radiography, magnetic resonance, or laboratory examinations, to complete a comprehensive approach. For the physical therapy information this is important.

Treatment: communication of the nervous system

Chiropractors have a holistic approach to patient health. By metered manual impulses manipulations, they exert a mechanical action on the damaged joints. The famous crack that results is harmless and painless. But when the joint becomes functional again and regains its mobility, it also restores normal and unhindered communication of the nervous system.

Multiple skills for global therapy

To his patients, the chiropractor prescribes orthopedic auxiliary means, gymnastic and muscular exercises, gives advice in matters of diet, movement, posture, etc. Its competence also extends to the prescription of medicines as well as additional appropriate treatments or examinations such as physiotherapy or the use of other specialized therapists.

Inter-disciplinarily close collaboration

Chiropractors work in close collaboration with other specialists such as spine surgeons, orthopedists, physiotherapists, etc. The global perception that chiropractic of the spine and its interactions with the nervous system brings is precious for the entire medical profession.

Chiropractic from the Greek set in motion by hand. Independent health professionals interested in the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of disorders of the musculoskeletal system, as well as the effects of these disorders on the functioning of the nervous system and on the general state of health of the individual. Emphasis is placed on manual treatments including vertebral adjustments and other soft tissue manipulation techniques.

physical therapy information

Chiropractic appeared as a separate profession in the United States in the 1890s. Until the 1950s, the profession was concentrated in North America and was largely isolated from the mainstream of health care. In the 1960s and 1970s, the foundations were laid for broader professional consistency the improvement of educational standards and professional licenses, important research, research texts and scientific journals, as well as recognition legal and regulatory in all US states and various other countries.

Today, more than 100 years after its birth, chiropractic is taught and practiced worldwide. The profession has gained wide acceptance by the public and in national health care systems for the quality of its services. Chiropractic is widely regarded as the best example of a complementary health care discipline. WHO has published guidelines recommending minimum education standards for the regulation of chiropractic services within national health systems?


The relationship between the structures, in particular of the spine and the musculoskeletal system and the function, coordinated by the nervous system, is at the heart of the approach to the treatment of this health and wellness profession. Philosophically, the emphasis is on the mind or body in a healthy relationship, and on the body’s natural healing powers. This represents a biopsychosocial philosophy of health rather than a biomedical philosophy.

Research shows that the main reasons for chiropractic consultations are back pain around 60%, musculoskeletal pain such as pain in the neck, shoulders, extremities and arthritis pain 20%; as well as headaches including migraine 10%. About 1 in 10 people have a wide variety of conditions caused, aggravated or initiated by neuro-musculoskeletal disorders, for example, dysmenorrhea, dysfunctions of the respiratory and digestive tract.